This is the file post in our series on learning MSBuild by understanding it as a programming language. To reinforce what we’ve learned, we are going to dissect a real-world .targets file: TSLint.MSBuild.targets.


I am not the author of TSLint.MSBuild.targets. I chose this NuGet package because

  1. It is open-source
  2. The context is easy to gain: the package lints TypeScript files on build.
  3. I think the MSBuild is approachable while being non-trivial

A Tour through TSLint.MSBuild

Instead of walking through the TSLint.MSBuild.targets file line-by-line, we’ll instead tour various sections. The full text of file is available at the bottom of this post.

Use the Condition attribute of a Property to only define the variable if it has not already been defined

Recall that the Condition attribute can be used to evaluate “has this Property already been defined?”

        Condition="'$(TSLintTimestampFile)' == ''">

Use string templating to compose a complex Property

The string templating support for Properties can be used like the $PATH variable to compose long sequences.

<!-- Build the TSLint arguments -->
    <TSLintArgs Condition="'$(TSLintConfig)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) --config "$(TSLintConfig)"</TSLintArgs>
    <TSLintArgs Condition="'@(TSLintExclude)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) --exclude "$(TSLintExcludeJoined)"</TSLintArgs>

Use the Inputs attribute so a Target can execute incrementally

Recall that MSBuild supports “incremental builds” and Targets support timestamp based caching.




Use Tasks to report on status and validate information

The built-in Message Task is a go to for reporting status to the consumer.

<Message Text="Running TSLint..." Importance="high" />

The built-in Error Task is useful for validating inputs…

<Error Condition="'$(TSLintFileListDisabled)' == 'true' And '$(TSLintProject)' == ''" Text="You disabled file listing on the command line using TSLintFileDisabled, but did not specify a project file with TSLintProject." />

… and reporting if something doesn’t work as expected.

<!-- Return an error if TSLint returned an exit code and we should break on errors -->
<Error Condition="'$(TSLintDisabled)' != 'true' and '$(TSLintErrorCode)' != '0' and '$(TSLintBreakBuildOnError)' == 'true'" Text="TSLint checks failed" />

Use the Exec built-in Task to run an executable

The built-in Exec Task makes it simple to delegate more complex behavior to external executables.

<!-- Run TSLint using the Node executable -->
    Command="&quot;$(TSLintNodeExe)&quot; &quot;$(TSLintCli)&quot; $(TSLintArgs)"
    Condition="'$(TSLintDisabled)' != 'true'"


MSBuild has the same primitives as general-purpose languages like C#.

In this post, we reviewed what what’s possible using Properties, Items, Tasks, and Targets by looking at a real-life open-source example.

Hopefully this series has been a helpful explanation of MSBuild as a programming language. If anything was unclear or you’d like to hear more, please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter!

Appendix: Full source of TSLint.MSBuild.targets

Source available at:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">

  <!-- Ensures that if this file changes it forces a TypeScript rebuild -->
    <TSLintTimestampFile Condition="'$(TSLintTimestampFile)' == ''">$(OutputPath)\$(MSBuildProjectName).TSLint.timestamp.txt</TSLintTimestampFile>
    <TSLintTimestampFile Condition="'$(TSLintForceBuild)' == 'true'">$([System.DateTime]::UtcNow.Ticks)</TSLintTimestampFile>

    Condition="('@(TSLintInclude)' != '' or '@(TypeScriptCompile)' != '') and ('$(BuildingProject)' == 'true' or '$(TSLintRunWhenNotBuilding)' == 'true')"

    <Message Text="Running TSLint..." Importance="high" />

    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(TSLintExcludeTypeScriptCompile)' != 'true'">
      <TSLintInclude Include="@(TypeScriptCompile)" />

      <TSLintBreakBuildOnError Condition="'$(TSLintBreakBuildOnError)' == ''">false</TSLintBreakBuildOnError>
      <TSLintCreateTimestampFile Condition="'$(TSLintCreateTimestampFile)' == ''">true</TSLintCreateTimestampFile>
      <TSLintFormat Condition="'$(TSLintFormat)' == ''">msbuild</TSLintFormat>
      <TSLintNodeExe Condition="'$(TSLintNodeExe)' == ''">$([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath("$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\tools\node-12.4.0.exe"))</TSLintNodeExe>
      <TSLintTimeout Condition="'$(TSLintTimeout)' == ''">10000000</TSLintTimeout>
      <TSLintVersion Condition="'$(TSLintVersion)' == ''">*.*.*</TSLintVersion>

    <!-- Grab the first matching TSLint CLI in a NuGet packages install -->
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(TSLintCli)' == ''">
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(SolutionDir)packages\tslint.$(TSLintVersion)\tools\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslintCli.js" />
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(SolutionDir)packages\tslint\$(TSLintVersion)\tools\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslintCli.js" />
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\tslint.$(TSLintVersion)\tools\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslintCli.js" />
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\..\tslint\$(TSLintVersion)\tools\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslintCli.js" />
      <!-- support for tslint 5.10 and below -->
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(SolutionDir)packages\tslint.$(TSLintVersion)\tools\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslint-cli.js" />
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(SolutionDir)packages\tslint\$(TSLintVersion)\tools\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslint-cli.js" />
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\tslint.$(TSLintVersion)\tools\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslint-cli.js" />
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\..\tslint\$(TSLintVersion)\tools\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslint-cli.js" />
      <TSLintPotentialCli Include="$(ProjectDir)node_modules\tslint\bin\tslint" />
    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(TSLintCli)' == ''">
      <TSLintCli>$(TSLintCliProperty.Substring(0, $(TSLintCliProperty.IndexOf(';'))))</TSLintCli>

    <!-- TSLintExclude might include special characters, so those should be escaped -->
      <TSLintExclude Condition="'@(TSLintExclude)' != ''">@(TSLintExclude.Replace("*", "%2A"))</TSLintExclude>
      <TSLintExclude Condition="'@(TSLintExclude)' != ''">@(TSLintExclude.Replace(".", "%2E"))</TSLintExclude>
      <TSLintExclude Condition="'@(TSLintExclude)' != ''">@(TSLintExclude.Replace('"', "%22"))</TSLintExclude>
      <TSLintExcludeJoined Condition="'@(TSLintExclude)' != ''">@(TSLintExclude, '" --exclude "')</TSLintExcludeJoined>

    <!-- Build the TSLint arguments -->
      <TSLintArgs Condition="'$(TSLintConfig)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) --config "$(TSLintConfig)"</TSLintArgs>
      <TSLintArgs Condition="'@(TSLintExclude)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) --exclude "$(TSLintExcludeJoined)"</TSLintArgs>
      <TSLintArgs>$(TSLintArgs) --format "$(TSLintFormat)"</TSLintArgs>
      <TSLintArgs Condition="'$(TSLintProject)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) --project "$(TSLintProject)"</TSLintArgs>
      <TSLintArgs Condition="'$(TSLintTypeCheck)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) --type-check "$(TSLintTypeCheck)"</TSLintArgs>
      <TSLintArgs Condition="'@(TSLintRulesDirectory)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) --rules-dir "@(TSLintRulesDirectory, '" --rules-dir "')"</TSLintArgs>
      <TSLintArgs Condition="'$(TSLintExtraArgs)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) $(TSLintExtraArgs)</TSLintArgs>
      <TSLintArgs Condition="'$(TSLintFileListDisabled)' != 'true' And '@(TSLintInclude)' != ''">$(TSLintArgs) "@(TSLintInclude, '" "')"</TSLintArgs>

    <Error Condition="'$(TSLintFileListDisabled)' == 'true' And '$(TSLintProject)' == ''" Text="You disabled file listing on the command line using TSLintFileDisabled, but did not specify a project file with TSLintProject." />

    <MakeDir Directories="$(OutputPath)" />

    <!-- Run TSLint using the Node executable -->
      Command="&quot;$(TSLintNodeExe)&quot; &quot;$(TSLintCli)&quot; $(TSLintArgs)"
      Condition="'$(TSLintDisabled)' != 'true'"
      <Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" ItemName="TSLintOutput" />
      <Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" PropertyName="TSLintErrorCode" />

      Condition="'$(TSLintCreateTimestampFile)' == 'true' and $(TSLintErrorCode) == 0"
      Files="$(TSLintTimestampFile)" />

    <!-- Return an error if TSLint returned an exit code and we should break on errors -->
    <Error Condition="'$(TSLintDisabled)' != 'true' and '$(TSLintErrorCode)' != '0' and '$(TSLintBreakBuildOnError)' == 'true'" Text="TSLint checks failed" />
